Today I’m sharing 5 ways to elevate your life. I can hardly believe we are 6 months into 2021. I like to do a mid-year check-in with myself. Mainly to see where I am regarding hitting the goals I set at the beginning of the year, both personally and professionally. This helps me determine what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.
My word for 2021 is Elevated. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a word for the year, you basically choose a word that represents your theme for that year, and align your goals with that theme.
I chose the word “Elevated”, because after the madness of 2020, I realized I wanted my life, my conversations, and the things I was consuming (in every sense of the word) to be elevated.
While elevated may seem synonymous with luxury or expensive, it actually has very little to do with expense, and is more of a mindset. I see living an elevated life as focusing on the quality of my life and experiences. Today, I’m sharing some of the ways I’m elevating my life and not spending excessively to do it.
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Eat good food
No surprise the first item on the list is food. For me, food is life and I get so much satisfaction from preparing and enjoying a delicious meal. I make it a point to eat the best quality food I can afford. Sometimes that is brunch at a swanky restaurant, while other times, that is buying a nice piece of fish or cut of steak, that is within my grocery budget that week, and preparing it at home.

If I want a delicious cocktail or to sip some really good wine, I’ll buy myself a bottle of wine or make a cocktail at home for a fraction of the price I would pay if I dined out. Serve it up in a wine or cocktail glass and enjoy happy hour at the crib.
One of my goals with Mochas and Mimosas has always been to share recipes and tips that feel fancy and elevated, but are simple and affordable. I truly believe you can create these experiences at home and on a budget.
Serve your food on a plate
I know when I say this, somebody will tell me how much they hate doing dishes, and I get it. But trust me when I tell you, the food looks and tastes better when you put it on a nice plate, versus a paper plate. No matter how great the meal is, it’s automatically giving struggle plate vibes when you serve it on a paper plate.
Think about when you go to a restaurant and how the presentation is everything and just adds to the vibe. I feel like I deserve that restaurant quality experience at every meal, even when I’m at home. I will put a take-out meal, a quick heat and serve dinner, or even a salad I made from the bag on a simple, white plate, and instantly feel like I’ve elevated my meal.

I serve my children on plates as well, and we drink out of glasses when at the dinner table. I think it’s important for them to experience life in this fashion too. So, when they do go to a restaurant, they know how to conduct themselves, and it doesn’t feel like a grand experience, just an extension of what they are used to. I find inexpensive plates at Dollar Tree, Target, Amazon and any other place I can get sets that are easily replaceable.
Rest well
I have welcomed this shift I’ve seen from “team no sleep” to “get rest from the grind.” I used to feel guilty for resting and taking breaks from my business, because I thought I had to be working or learning all the time---that is exhausting and unsustainable.
Now, I make time for rest, and welcome it. To have a more elevated rest experience I set up my bedroom so it is tranquil and inviting. I want to feel like I’m sleeping in the most posh hotel every time I get in my own bed. Some ways I have done this was investing in quality bedding; lighting my favorite candle or diffusing tranquil scents; buying nice pajamas that feel plush and look cute.

Beautify your surroundings
Since we were in the house pretty much all the time last year, I realized we needed to do some updating to make our home more inviting and enjoyable. My husband and I decluttered, I rearranged my office space, and we painted some rooms in our house. These minor changes instantly upgraded our space.

Something I also started doing was adding fresh flowers to my home on a regular basis. I added flowers to my grocery budget. I love waking up to fresh flowers on my nightstand, and seeing them in my kitchen while I cook. I find inexpensive bouquets at my local grocery store and Trader Joe’s and put them in a simple vase.
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Do something everyday that brings you joy
I committed to doing something everyday that brings me joy. I have really been on a mission to find joy in the simplest pleasures. This includes taking a bath at least once a week, where I fill the tub with my favorite bath tea and listen to music.

It could also be making myself a really great cup of coffee or tea and sitting outside while I sip it in silence. I love reading, so I started checking out more books at my library and making it a point to read (or listen to an audio book) at least once a month.
This is what my elevated life looks like, and for you it may be totally different. We deserve a life of ease, beauty, and peace. My mission this year is to create that for myself and those around me. I am enjoying this process of finding new and creative ways to elevate my everyday experiences.
Did you choose a word for 2021? Let me know in the comments or send me a message on Instagram.

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